Molten Vole


Heaviest Hoof

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This morning
My car broke down heading to town - I kicked it
I made use of the new hybrid diesel bus instead

When I stepped on
No seats were vacant
And I fell over
On seven caucasians

And I
Bit my lip on the way down
And I
Tore my gown

At my lowest
I keep plodding on
I put my heaviest
Hoof forward and I'm gone

At lunch time
I favoured a savoury flavour to stave my cravings
I invested a lot of money into a bun

Longingly I
Lifted the bread roll
Then accidentally
I swallowed it whole

The roll
Scratched deep down inside me
The roll
Was gluten free

At my lowest
I keep plodding on
I put my heaviest
Hoof forward and I'm gone

My coffee spills endlessly
It's a pain
To scrub and clean

I put my heaviest
Hoof forward and I'm

At my lowest
I keep plodding on
I put my heaviest
Hoof forward and I'm gone