Molten Vole



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Let's keep it clean
Observe hygiene
Everyone is leaving here pristine

Yeah, it's time to wash
We've had a good time
Now it's time to wash

Fill the air
Let them land in our eyes and our hair
For one night
I'm your Secretary of State for Health and Social Care

It's your moment
Eyes on you
Lather up and show them what to do
Let's splish and splosh
It's time to wash

Behold the water
It's so much fun
I chuckle as I watch the water run

'til the very end
Of time
We've made memories
Remember to wash your hands

Travelled outer space
Spreading bacteria all over the place
It was
A grave reminder to scrub your teeth and brush your face

It's your moment
Eyes on you
Lather up and show them what to do
Let's splish and splosh
It's time to

Goodbye to the grime
Hold your head up high
Cause all those eyes are on you
One last time

It's your moment
Eyes on you
Lather up and show them what to do
Let's splish and splosh
It's time to wash

Don't delay let's bathe away
The stains of yesterday
It opens avenues
You've got nothing to lose