Molten Vole



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Birds are calling
Snowflakes falling
A peaceful Christmas eve
Although the roads are sludgy
Travel here abruptly

Take care
As you make your way tonight
I'll warm the fire
And try not to burn my hands and feet

We'll cocoon under duvets and
We'll watch a film and slowly graze
The cheeseboard
Eat Roquefort

Since the sky's lit
Your path's guided
I await you at my door
Although the streets are slushy
I hope you're rushing

Be safe
As you make your way tonight
I'll wrap your presents
And hopefully not tape them to my legs

We'll cocoon under duvets and
We'll watch a film and slowly graze
The cheeseboard
Eat Roquefort

We'll cocoon under duvets and
We'll play board games and slowly graze
The cheeseboard
Eat Roquefort